Germany - 1 : BERLIN!
Our entire trip began with Berlin and we were real lucky at that. We had assumed the Malmo-Berlin train reservation would not be a problem. After the train arrived we saw that it was only sleeper coaches! and it was quite a tiny train! Luckily..and i mean LUCKILY we got the last 9 spots available. Imagine that. Cost us 15 Euro pax thanks to the Eurorail pass.
Believe it or not, this train spend more time at sea than on land :) Turns out to leave scandinavia the fastest mode is through Ferry; so this train boards a huge ferry.
It carries trucks, cars and god knows what else and was 7 storeys high. Pretty cool stuff.
Right, so we arrive at Berlin at some unearthly hour like 6am. Then we learnt an important lesson. Make reservations :)
3 guys split up and went looking for acco. Fortunately they got it without too much fight. It was a pretty cosy place and cost us some 15 euro/night. Good deal in all.
Berlin has lotsa architecture and a active night life...
..Couple of hot chicks as well.
We just walked about most of the while. All the famous places were kinda on the same long road. On the way we bumped into some Pakistani fella selling general touristy cool stuff; Russian Army caps and belts from WWII, handcuffs and stuff like that. It was fun to bargain, in Hindi that too :)
Right so Girish was eyeing these Handcuffs notoriously. After a whlie, once everyone was generally creating a ruckus on what to buy and bargaining and all, he quietly states his intent. Pays the man. Pockets the Cuffs. We all caught it though :)
Mane follows Suit (but he's pretty open about it). This is the beginning of a bond between the 2 that will strengthen in Munich (my next post :)
Chammi on the other hand didn't say a word during the whole thing. Watched. Smiled. Laughed. After we moved on, we checked around and saw Chammi is missing. Looking back we saw he was having a chat with the paki guy. he reached into his pocket handed the man something and took a brown bag in return. He tucked it safe within his 'Designed-for-the-Arctic' jacket and casually joined us.
So now we all headed for the parliament building. Its got a fabulous view from the top, we got in line for it. Now its the parliament so there is Xray screening and frisking and all :) The Xray guys were kinda shocked when the first pair of handcuffs showed up, then another. by the time Chammi's secret handcuffs showed up they were cracking up (amongst themselves :) Hahaha..frickin hilarious
Besdies the monuments, we also went to a Concentration Camp and the Zoo :D
Some pics below